News & Analysis

January 10, 2018
Medicare Insider

This week’s Medicare updates include an advisory opinion on sharing cost savings created by cost-reduction measures, a correction to the Medicare provider enrollment application fee, a new data submission system for the Quality Payment Program, and more!   

January 10, 2018
HIM Briefings

Project REFRESH brought the deletion of many standards and elements of performance (EP), and you will see even more changes beginning in January. This column will also review the changes to the Evidence of Standards Compliance (ESC) corrective action plan for Requirements for Improvement (RFI) that must be submitted after a survey.

January 10, 2018
Medicare Web

The Massachusetts Health Policy Commission announced January 4 that it certified 17 healthcare organizations qualified to be part of the Accountable Care Organization Certification program, which implements payer standards for care delivery across the state. 

January 9, 2018
Medicare Web

An Annals of Emergency Medicine study recently concluded that there is a link between referrals to the emergency department by outpatient providers and the seriousness of one’s health problems and likelihood of hospitalization.

January 8, 2018
Medicare Web

How can rural health clinics bill for services provided before or after posted hours?

January 8, 2018
Briefings on HIPAA

HIPAA compliance and enforcement saw its share of highs and lows in 2017. As the year comes to a close, it’s a good time to look back on what your organization has learned—in terms of personal growth and lessons gleaned from other organizations.
