News & Analysis

January 19, 2018
Medicare Web

Q: Could you discuss or explain evaluating encounter billing vs. monthly billing for recurring outpatient services such as chemotherapy infusions or radiation oncology?

January 19, 2018
Medicare Web

A Greenfield, Indiana-based hospital paid a ransom recently to regain access to its computer system.

January 19, 2018
Case Management Monthly

The 2-midnight rule was designed to simplify decisions on whether to order inpatient or outpatient observation services for patients and to reduce the volume of observation cases. However, some hospitals and healthcare systems have reported that the rule has actually increased confusion around level of care, without lowering observation volumes.

January 18, 2018
Medicare Web

Q: We’re looking into have our coding outsourced to a company based in India. I’m assuming that HIPAA does not apply to a foreign company. What are the potential HIPAA risks for us? If we discover that the outsourced company experienced a breach, would we still be liable? What do we need to be aware of in terms of HIPAA compliance?

January 18, 2018
Medicare Insider

This week's note examines the intricacies of the BPCI Advanced payment model, a new voluntary bundled payment model set to go live in October. 

January 17, 2018
Medicare Web

CMS announced January 9 the launch of Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced from the agency’s Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. This is the first Advanced Alternative Payment Model introduced by the Trump administration.
