News & Analysis

February 5, 2018
Medicare Web

How does Medicare cover hospital outpatient diagnostic services furnished in a provider-based department?

February 2, 2018
Medicare Web

Q: How does the Supplemental Medical Review Contractor determine which reviews to perform? Does SMRC work for CMS or our Medicare Administrative Contractor? 

February 2, 2018
Case Management Monthly

At the start of 2018, it’s time to take stock of billing compliance risks that may affect your organization in the new year and patch potential holes before they become a problem.

February 2, 2018
Medicare Web

Fresenius Medical Care North American (FMCNA), a multistate clinic and provider network specializing in chronic kidney failure treatment, agreed to a $3.5 million HIPAA violation settlement.

February 1, 2018
Briefings on APCs

Our experts answer questions about billing for recurring services, reporting compression dressings with 2018 CPT codes, and more.

February 1, 2018
Medicare Web

Q: If a patient accidentally puts the paperwork in the trash or on the table, and the information on the paperwork is visible to other patients or family members, is it a HIPAA violation?
