News & Analysis

January 30, 2018
Medicare Web

The Case Management Society of America recently released an updated version of its Case Management Model Act, which is aimed at standardizing best practices in case management to improve clinical and financial outcomes, according to CMSA Today.

January 29, 2018
Briefings on HIPAA

As cyberattacks become more sophisticated and frequent, the old monitor logs or reliance on security information and event management tools just don’t cut it anymore; neither do old signature-based antimalware tools. Today, there are very sophisticated tools on the market that do a much better job of protecting the data and IT assets of covered entities and business associates.

January 29, 2018
Medicare Web

Our hospital is located in a rural location where it is difficult to find specialty physicians to provide services to its hospital outpatients. We are trying to determine which of our facilities that furnish services on or near the hospital campus would be excluded from provider-based requirements. 

January 29, 2018
Briefings on HIPAA

This month's HIPAA Q&A answers readers' questions about cell phone use, disclosing PHI, and sharing information between providers.

January 29, 2018
Briefings on HIPAA

Tips from this month's issue.

January 28, 2018
Briefings on HIPAA

Take a look back at Briefings on HIPAA articles and topics you may have missed in 2017.
