News & Analysis

March 21, 2018
Medicare Insider

This week’s Medicare updates include a special edition MLN Matters article on billing requirements for OPPS providers, an updated OIG work plan, a final decision memo for an NCD on genetic testing for cancer patients, and more! 

March 21, 2018
HIM Briefings

In today’s uncertain regulatory environment, establishing an internal audit process is more important than ever to ensure proper billing and reimbursement. Follow these eight steps to establish an efficient internal audit and compliance program.

March 21, 2018
Medicare Web

What strategies can help case managers effectively communicate with low health literacy patients?

March 20, 2018
Medicare Web

CMS recently announced MyHealthEData, an initiative aimed at standardizing medical record data and giving patients the ability to share it with providers.

March 19, 2018
Briefings on HIPAA

Core security and privacy training content often falls short of good practice. Sometimes, the information security officer and privacy officer do not have the resources to create robust content. Furthermore, organizations often limit training time to avoid any impact on productivity. However, providing incomplete information is short-sighted. An inadequately trained workforce is more likely to directly or indirectly cause regulatory violations and breaches.

March 19, 2018
Medicare Web

Can rural health clinics receive more than one all-inclusive rate payment per patient per day?
