News & Analysis

June 5, 2019
Medicare Web

Q: Can you point me toward opportunities for doing case management work in ambulatory care?  

June 5, 2019
HIM Briefings

Put CMS’ proposed changes in perspective to see the bigger picture. Comments are due June 24, so hospitals will need to conduct a careful analysis to determine the impact of the proposed changes and submit specific feedback.

June 4, 2019
Medicare Web

A new report by the Department of Population Health at NYU Langone Health sets out a framework for community and population health management plans to guide efforts to address the social determinants of health and improve health quality in clinical and geographic populations.

June 3, 2019
Medicare Web

Q: Do we need a steering committee for our denial management and avoidance programs? What would be the role of a steering committee?

June 3, 2019
Briefings on HIPAA

HIPAA professionals all work to prevent their facilities from getting fined by OCR for violations of HIPAA’s Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification rules, but you need to stay up to date on what those penalties could be and where OCR stands on enforcement.

June 1, 2019
Briefings on APCs

The NCCI manual can be a powerful tool for revenue cycle staff to understand the intricacies of CMS modifier rules and Medicare edits.
