This week’s Medicare updates include new skilled nursing facility advance beneficiary notice forms, the 2019 Advanced Notice for Medicare Advantage and Part D plan changes, quarterly HCPCS drug/biological code changes, and more!
CMS recently released guidance on submitting claims and filing appeals as it rolls out its new Medicare cards. The new cards will replace the Health Insurance Claim Number, which is based on the beneficiary’s Social Security Number (SSN), with a Medicare Beneficiary Identifier that is not tied to the beneficiary’s SSN.
This week’s Medicare updates include a notice about the therapy caps exceptions process expiration, two fact sheets regarding the advanced alternative payment model determination process, revisions to guidance for rural health clinic surveyors, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include the January 2018 edition of the Medicare Quarterly Compliance Newsletter, an update to the OIG work plan, the 2018 Value Modifier results, and more!
CMS announced January 9 the launch of Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced from the agency’s Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. This is the first Advanced Alternative Payment Model introduced by the Trump administration.