HHS Office of Civil Rights (OCR) recently launched an education campaign about civil rights protections in response to the national opioid crisis, including specific guidelines for covered entities under HIPAA.
Q: I work for a large company. I called out one day because my daughter was sick. Do I have to provide a doctor's note to my employer when I wasn't the actual patient?
Competing perspectives and priorities can lead CDI programs down the wrong path. Understand how differences in professional backgrounds and approaches to documentation can cause conflict in CDI.
This month's Q&A answers to readers' questions on collecting payment, contacting physicians, overhearing medical examinations in the emergency department, and discussing the health of adult children.
The HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) announced last week that they have updated the Security Risk Assessment tool with improved functionality to assess risks to protected health information.