News & Analysis

July 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

EHR implementation is a “big, hairy animal,” according to Meg McElroy, RHIA, MBA, HIM and medical staff services director at Children’s Hospital of Milwaukee. McElroy has been working toward having a fully electronic record for years. “It’s so expensive, and how do you just get it done?” she says.

July 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

The annual MRB salary survey for HIM directors and managers has come to a close and the results are in. Read on to find out what more than 1,000 of your peers had to say regarding their salaries, the various factors that affect compensation, and the effects of the down economy.

June 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

For years the demand for coders has exceeded supply, and for many possible reasons. This may be because coders do not think that salaries are commensurate with the knowledge, expectations, and stress. And coders often move on to other positions and do not make a career of coding.

June 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

Motivating staff to produce more when recognition of superior performance is limited or nonexistent is difficult. Remember that incentives need not be financial; they can be monetary or non-monetary, individual- or team-based. Organizations may offer them regularly or sporadically based on variable or consistent criteria.

June 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

The Affordable Health Care for America Act, passed in late March, may leave many HIM directors scratching their heads. After all, sweeping reform must mean change is coming, but what will it look like?

May 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

Despite the numerous jokes on the subject, physician illegibility is no laughing matter, and Kaweah Delta Medical Center knows it. That’s why, after The Joint Commission found problems with the facility’s physician legibility, Kaweah Delta developed a plan to address the problem.
