News & Analysis

October 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

Where is the healthcare community at in terms of EHR implementation, and where is it going from here? And what effect, if any, has the EHR meaningful use incentive program had on implementation efforts? MRB asked these and other questions in our July 2010 benchmarking survey on EHRs—and HIM professionals from 325 hospitals and facilities answered.

September 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

HHS softened some of its proposed requirements for healthcare entities to become meaningful users of EHRs in a final rule released July 13.

August 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

If you’ve been outsourcing your transcription but think there might be a better way to meet your needs in-house, you may want to take another look at some other options. You may have more than you realize.

August 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

Regardless of the safeguards in place in any electronic document management system (EDMS), sometimes a document ends up in the wrong patient’s record. It was a reality in the paper world, and it is a reality in the scanned record world. Obviously, it was easier to rectify in the paper environment. So how does one address this issue with a hybrid electronic record?

August 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

When it comes to release of information (ROI), it may seem that exceptions are the rule. But you must know when you can and cannot release information to protect the privacy of your facility’s patients.

July 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

Those of us who work in clinical settings are familiar with situations involving medical ethics when it comes to patient care. End-of-life decisions, resource utilization vs. quality of outcomes, genetic testing, pro-life issues, and other hot topics create endless ethical and moral discussions. And don’t forget to mix in a little government healthcare policy and discussion on rationing of healthcare and on whether healthcare is a right or a privilege.
