News & Analysis

November 1, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s Medicare updates include the release of FY 2017 Dialysis Facility Reports and End Stage Renal Disease Core Survey Materials; the Denial of Home Health Payments When Required Patient Assessment Is Not Received; a Quality Payment Program fact sheet, and more!

October 25, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s Medicare updates include Fiscal Year 2017 Inpatient Prospective Payment System and Long Term Care Hospital PPS Changes; Revisions to State Operations Manual for Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) and Swing-Beds in CAHs; and more!

October 18, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s Medicare updates include CMS’ Quality Payment Program; updates to the interest rate for Medicare overpayments and underpayments; a new initiative to increase clinician engagement; and more!

October 11, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s Medicare updates include the release of the October 2016 Medicare Quarterly Provider Compliance Newsletter; OIG reports on Medicare payments for clinical diagnostic laboratory tests; Reform of Requirements for Long-Term Care Facilities; and more!

October 5, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s Medicare updates include a transmittal recurring update notification describing changes to and billing instructions for various payment policies implemented in the October 2016 OPPS update; news about CMS once again allowing some providers to settle inpatient status claims in appeals; an OIG report regarding the improper payment of millions of dollars for unlawfully present beneficiaries; and more!

October 5, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s note from the instructor is about the use of modifier -CG on claims by rural health clinics.
