Georgia-based health IT and medical records company Ciox Health, LLC., filed a lawsuit against HHS over limits on the fees patients can be charged for copies of their own medical records.
This week’s Medicare updates include an advisory opinion on sharing cost savings created by cost-reduction measures, a correction to the Medicare provider enrollment application fee, a new data submission system for the Quality Payment Program, and more!
Project REFRESH brought the deletion of many standards and elements of performance (EP), and you will see even more changes beginning in January. This column will also review the changes to the Evidence of Standards Compliance (ESC) corrective action plan for Requirements for Improvement (RFI) that must be submitted after a survey.
HIPAA compliance and enforcement saw its share of highs and lows in 2017. As the year comes to a close, it’s a good time to look back on what your organization has learned—in terms of personal growth and lessons gleaned from other organizations.
This week's note reviews guidance from CMS on how to report the new 340B modifiers and discusses how hospitals can create systems and processes to ease implementation of new billing requirements associated with the 340B changes.