Coders can raise the flag for the risk management department by signaling unexpected patient care occurrences, such as a nicked organ during surgery. Use this sample occurrence report form as a template for your organization.
Q: How can we submit a claim that hits an edit for a noncovered procedure? Can we submit a claim for the covered procedures? Can we appeal if the provider believes the procedure should be covered?
Clinical validation reviews and queries ensure that the documented diagnoses and clinical indicators hold up to inspection. Use these strategies to head off clinical validation reviews and improve documentation.
Medicare increased payments for patients diagnosed with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). MLN Matters SE20015, implements provisions of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act for hospitals paid under the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS), long-term care hospitals (LTCH) PPS, and inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRF) PPS.
The CDC estimates there are an estimated 35,900 deaths a year from antibiotic-resistant infections. Learn how to improve coding and documentation of these infections.