The nuances of documenting and billing for observation services can trip up even the savviest organization. Get a refresher on the basics to ensure your organization avoids common pitfalls.
Case managers weathered several changes in 2019, and 2020 promises to bring more of the same. We reached out to experts to find out what issues are likely to be front and center in the coming year.
The attending physician has requested that case manager Eloise prepare Mrs. White for discharge five times, but each time, the night before the discharge day, the patient experiences a medical complication.
Case manager discharge planners, get ready: Another challenge awaits us in 2020. Beside the new Medicare discharge planning rule, more changes were made to Medicare Advantage (MA) plans.
Many healthcare organizations manage care for diabetes patients by prescribing medications and adjusting doses. But, increasingly, organizations like Geisinger Health System are paying closer attention to what goes on once the patient goes home and are helping to fill gaps that stand between patients and better health.