News & Analysis

October 11, 2016
Medicare Web

How can hospitals differentiate the cost of care for bedside procedures from other services?

October 7, 2016
Medicare Web

Q: Is it acceptable to keep patients in a discharge lounge after the discharge order is written but before the patient leaves the facility?

October 1, 2016
Briefings on HIPAA

Q: In our pharmacy dispensing system, we can enter free-form notes for certain records such as a patient record, prescription records, and physician records. This field is used to enter notes that are customer service?focused and not treatment- or payment-related in nature. Would these notes be considered PHI, and would record retention requirements apply to these notes?

September 30, 2016
Medicare Web

How should case managers communicate with a patient when he or she lacks decision-making capacity but has no court-appointed guardian or power of attorney?

September 27, 2016
Medicare Web

When is the recommended time to write an order for an inpatient-only procedure?

September 27, 2016
Medicare Web

I heard the 2-midnight rule is now gone based on changes to Medicare payment rates under the 2017 inpatient prospective payment system final rule. Is this true and if not what changed?
