News & Analysis

September 13, 2017
Medicare Web

Q: How can my case management staff be proactive when it comes to preadmissions?

September 11, 2017
Medicare Web

How should our facility handle patient registration after normal business hours?

September 8, 2017
Medicare Web

Q: Our team had a recent case that involved a small midline episiotomy which extended to a second-degree laceration which was repaired with 3-0 vicryl rapide sutures. Would we code the episiotomy and repair or just the repair, and why? We are considering ICD-10-PCS code 0KQM0ZZ (Repair of the perineum muscle, open approach) and/or 0W8NXZZ (Division of the female perineum, external approach).

September 7, 2017
Medicare Web

Q: Is it necessary for organizations to provide HIPAA training for all workforce members, even those who are not involved in patient care (e.g., janitorial staff, administration, nonclinical roles)?

September 6, 2017
Medicare Web

Q: If a patient arrives at our emergency department and the hospital's outside their insurer or third-party payer's network, how do we procede?

September 1, 2017
Medicare Web

Q: What are some times when it might be acceptable for a provider to copy and paste medical information into an electronic health record and when is it absolutely not acceptable?
