On January 1, 2021, hospitals will enter a new world of price transparency. CMS put hospitals on track to face expanded price transparency requirements with a final rule released November 15, 2019.
Q: Our new EHR system was built using logic for therapy charging based on both the AMA and CMS eight-minute rules. Charges will generate differently based on the payer. How do others implement the eight-minute rules? How do you think using two charging methodologies in this world of price transparency will look?
CMS lifted some restrictions on telehealth coverage in a bid to keep non-critically ill patients out of clinics and hospitals in a bid to slow down the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), but other still apply to hospitals.
This week’s Medicare updates include information on expanded telehealth benefits, a chart on contractor pricing for COVID-19 testing, recommendations on elective surgeries during the public health emergency, and more!
CMS released an update to its FAQ on coding and billing for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on March 23. The FAQ clarifies the use of HCPCS and CPT® codes for diagnostic laboratory services.