April 8, 2016
News & Insights

The Provider Roundtable, established in 2003 to give CMS the benefit of providers' input and guidance on critical healthcare delivery issues, has issued a call for new members who have a strong interest in improving Medicare reimbursement under various payment systems.

April 1, 2016
Briefings on APCs

Use the quiz to test your knowledge of ICD-10-CM codes for disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

April 1, 2016
Briefings on APCs

The new modifier -PO (services, procedures, and/or surgeries furnished at off-campus provider-based outpatient departments [PBD]) and the alternative payment provisions under the Bipartisan Budget Act Section 603 are both related to off-campus PBDs but define "off-campus PBD" slightly differently.

April 1, 2016
Briefings on APCs

In February 2016, just four months after ICD-10 go-live, sister publication HIM Briefings (formerly Medical Records Briefing) asked a range of healthcare professionals to weigh in on their productivity in ICD-9 versus ICD-10.


April 1, 2016
HIM Briefings

Do you recall the recent humorous television commercial for phone services that featured children who wanted more and tried to explain why? The core message was that more isn't always better. I believe there are many applications of this principle in healthcare. To understand why this is the case, since large evolves from small, you might have to engage your sense of recall to visualize the past compared to the present. We'll look at some examples below.

Big (bad?) data

For all the talk about population health and big data, there is less discussion about data integrity, a key principle in data usage. Anyone who has worked with the most basic of databases, the master patient index, knows how many errors occur in collecting up-front patient access data. Errors still abound in duplicate medical record and account data. How can any of the data associated with these accounts be considered valid and worthy of basing conclusions upon? How confident are we, really, in our interpretation of this data?

For example, comparative MedPAR data will not display ICD-10-CM/PCS data until at least 18 months after ICD-10 implementation. There is no way to measure if we are undercoding, overcoding, erroneously coding, or problematically grouping any cases until we have enough data to make some judgments. Even then, the only true audit is one that compares the collected data with the source documents (in this case, the medical record). Organizations must conduct multiple rounds of these audits before findings can even be discussed.

The best approach is to begin your own audit of small segments (e.g., most common, most at risk) of diagnoses and procedures rather than waiting until the MedPAR data arrives. Be aware that if you are looking at any comparison databases, there is likely a crudely mapped comparison going on between ICD-9 databases (and ICD-10). As we all know, comparisons are not possible in all cases, and the more cross-mapping we do, the less granularly correct the comparison outcome data is, which decreases the validity of the universe of data.

In HIM, there are other data quality issues that have an unknown impact on integrity comparisons. For example, are we comparing apples to apples for sites that are using computer-assisted coding applications versus those that are not? Is it fair to compare outsourced coding with in-house coding? In a recent study conducted for a client, I observed that the time for coding of outsourced cases was dropping in a direct ratio to the case mix. Are we gaining productivity but sacrificing quality and reimbursement potential?

April 1, 2016
HIM Briefings

Our readers have been asking for an updated medical record documentation guide, and here it is?new and improved! The guide provides references to the associated CMS Conditions of Participation and new and revised standards and elements of performance (EP). A recent Joint Commission column discussed ongoing record reviews and the continued focus of Joint Commission surveyors related to documentation in the medical record. The guide takes the Record of Care, Treatment, and Services chapter and breaks it down into an easy-to-use tool for comprehensive record reviews by topic.

March 11, 2016
News & Insights

CMS proposed a test this week for a new Medicare Part B prescription drug plan that would replace its previous policy of paying physicians and outpatient hospital departments the average sales price (ASP) plus 6%.

March 1, 2016
Briefings on APCs

Our experts answer questions about Composite APCs, modifier –CT, and more.

March 1, 2016
Briefings on APCs

This month's column is all about data--the importance of providers reporting accurate and complete data, as well as CMS having complete, accurate, and consistent data to compute future payment rates.

March 1, 2016
Briefings on APCs

The CPT Manual divides drug administration services into three different categories:

  • Hydration (CPT codes 96360-96361)
  • Therapeutic, prophylactic, and diagnostic injections and infusions (96365-96379)
  • Chemotherapy and other highly complex drug or highly complex biologic agent administration (96401-96549)

