April 13, 2022
HIM Briefings

Correct coding for mechanical ventilation depends upon a thorough grasp of medical terminology and coding guidelines. Brush up on your knowledge of mechanical ventilation coding to ensure it's done right.

April 6, 2022
HIM Briefings

Denials management has gained new urgency as payers adopt more aggressive tactics and hospitals continue to face revenue shortfalls. Learn how organizations are structuring denials management and reporting denials and appeals data.

March 30, 2022
HIM Briefings

Although there are basic expectations of a utilization review (UR) team member, organizations should develop performance expectations and competencies for their UR staff based on their own needs. Use this sample UR specialist job description as a template for your organization.

March 23, 2022
HIM Briefings

ICD-10-CM codes for traumatic fractures specify the type of bone injury, affected area of the body, and in some cases, the degree of soft tissue damage. Refresh your knowledge of terminology and documentation requirements to ensure accurate coding.

March 16, 2022
HIM Briefings

When looking into the general overview of a CDI specialist’s responsibilities, it is important for new specialists to understand the basics of coding, querying, and physician education. Use these strategies to brush up on the CDI essentials.

March 9, 2022
HIM Briefings

Modifier -58 describes a staged or related procedure or service by the same provider during the postoperative period. Apply these experts tips to ensure it's used correctly.

March 2, 2022
HIM Briefings

Ongoing labor shortages and a competitive hiring market are putting a strain on HIM departments. As competition for qualified staff increases, learn how HIM leaders can turn to a variety of short- and long-term fixes and even find opportunities for improvement.

February 16, 2022
HIM Briefings

Risk adjusted payment methodologies in outpatient settings call for a different CDI approach. Learn how one organization conducts risk adjustment outpatient CDI reviews to support correct coding and documentation.

February 9, 2022
HIM Briefings

Tracking denials data as a key performance indicator (KPI) can help identify gaps in provider documentation and create meaningful physician education. Learn how to leverage coding and CDI staff in tracking and managing denials data.

February 2, 2022
HIM Briefings

Although many provisions of the 2022 Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) final rule are a light lift for hospitals, several have far-reaching implications. Apply these expert tips to ensure you're up to speed and aware of compliance pitfalls.
