Chronic migraines and epilepsy can be complex diagnoses that require thorough documentation. Review recent ICD-10-CM code updates for these conditions to ensure they're reported correctly.
The federal healthcare program Anti-Kickback Statute is a broad criminal statute that touches on numerous arrangements healthcare organizations may enter into. Refresh your knowledge of Anti-Kickback compliance including safe harbors.
Maintaining an accurate and up to date chargemaster is an essential ongoing process. Apply these expert tips to improve chargemaster maintenance and boost charge capture.
Maternal mortality and morbidity are critical issues that continue to affect the healthcare industry worldwide. Delve into the role CDI specialists play in improving data capture related to maternal care in the U.S. and how to engage hospital leaders in initiating an obstetrics clinical documentation program.
One of the most important ways that identifying social determinants of health (SDOH) can improve healthcare is by improving access to care. Learn how to use screening tools to increase capture of SDOH data.
CMS is proposing a balancing act in physician reimbursement, according to the 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) proposed rule. Take a closer look at CMS' proposals for physician reimbursement for the coming year.
Hospitals could be in for a price transparency compliance shake-up if CMS moves forward with its proposals in the 2024 Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) proposed rule. Learn how these proposals could affect your organization.
Although CMS is projecting higher overall inpatient hospital payments in the fiscal year (FY) 2024 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) final rule, some facilities could be facing tighter margins and lower payments for certain services. Learn what you need to do to ensure your organization is in compliance with new requirements.
Accurate revenue code selection affects concerns central to the operations of healthcare provider organizations such as compliance and reimbursement. Apply this expert advice to ensure revenue codes are correctly assigned.
Medical necessity is a term used to describe the need and justification for services a patient will receive, including diagnostic studies or therapeutic treatment. Understand how Medicare defines the term and what requirements must be met.