July 1, 2011
HIM Briefings

2011 HIM Director and Manager Salary Survey Report

July 1, 2011
HIM Briefings

A Minute for the Medical Staff, July 2011

July 1, 2011
HIM Briefings

Editor's note: In 2011 we are celebrating MRB's 25th year in a myriad of ways. This month we're excited to release our 2011 HIM Director and Manager Salary Survey Report. Below are a few of the highlights.

July 1, 2011
HIM Briefings

Does HIM play a role in Joint Commission survey readiness at your hospital?

July 1, 2011
HIM Briefings

HIM's management of the patient portion of the ­Vanderbilt Medical Center's patient portal MyHealth­AtVanderbilt (MHaV) may well make it unique, but the approach has paid off, says Anne Dixon, RHIA, ­manager of medical information services in Vanderbilt's HIM department.

July 1, 2011
HIM Briefings

For years we have heard that EHRs improve the ­quality of clinical documentation in the medical record. While this is absolutely true in terms of legibility, it may not be so true otherwise.

June 1, 2011
HIM Briefings

When Carolyn Taggett, RHIT, director of health information services at Northern Maine Medical Center in Fort Kent, found that it sometimes took weeks for coders to receive answers to their physician queries, she decided there had to be a better way.


June 1, 2011
HIM Briefings

Throughout 2011 we are including ­special content in honor of MRB's 25th year. This month we reached out to some long-time readers who have been on board since MRB's early years, including some who have read every single issue! Read on to find out what they had to say.

May 1, 2011
HIM Briefings

There are some Joint Commission EPs with which ­almost all hospital HIM departments struggle. Surveyors continue to focus on them, so chances are you should too.

May 1, 2011
HIM Briefings

Even with today's tight budgets, there are still ways you can brighten the faces of your staff members. We asked the MRB advisory board members for their best ideas and tried-and-true tactics. Here's what they had to say.
