December 1, 2012
HIM Briefings

As an HIM professional, you have long managed the quality and integrity of the health record. You know all components inside and out, aid in the design of forms to accurately and completely capture the necessary information, and point out ­potential data discrepancies in the record prior to finalization.

November 1, 2012
Briefings on HIPAA

EHR securitythat's an IT thing, right? Sure it is.

November 1, 2012
HIM Briefings

The monetary reward offered through the second stage of the Medicare and Medicaid incentive program shouldn't be the only reason HIM professionals embrace the concept of being "meaningful users" of certified EHR technology (CEHRT).

October 1, 2012
HIM Briefings

In this month's issue, we explore a current hot topic in the HIM world.

October 1, 2012
HIM Briefings

In the final quarterly benchmarking survey of 2012, ­MRB examined the release of information (ROI) practices of hospitals with hybrid or fully electronic records-just as we did nearly two years ago.

October 1, 2012
HIM Briefings

Editor's note: The following scenario is provided by Laurie A. Rinehart-­Thompson, JD, RHIA, CHP, assistant professor of clinical allied ­medicine in the School of Allied Medical Professions at Ohio State ­University in Columbus. Present the scenario portion to your HIM staff to see how they would handle the issue.

September 1, 2012
HIM Briefings

Over the last six months, The Joint Commission's ­survey have continued to show a pattern in regard to findings related to the Record of Care and Treatment chapter of the Joint Commission accreditation manual. The challenging standards are outlined below, including tips for compliance.

September 1, 2012
HIM Briefings

It's September­-time to hit the books again and get back to school. If you're an aspiring HIM professional, that means learning about medical record retention.

August 1, 2012
HIM Briefings

Summers can be wonderful, it's true. But they can ­also be a glowing reminder of what you don't have in your HIM department: a bountiful staff and endless resources.

August 1, 2012
HIM Briefings

If HIM professionals needed another reason to be ­concerned with protected health information (PHI) ­outside of paper records, a surgery center in Arizona ­provided one in April.
