February 1, 2013
Case Management Monthly

Solid ­documentation is necessary not only to prove medical necessity, but also to help case managers better estimate LOS.


February 1, 2013
HIM Briefings

When HIM professionals at Driscoll Children's Hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas, looked into its success rate for physician response to coding queries, it knew it needed to do a better job.

January 1, 2013
Case Management Monthly

Ensuring detailed documentation isn't important only with respect to documenting medical necessity. Case managers should also ensure physicians are including enough information in patient records to help them accurately estimate LOS, says Glenn Krauss, BBA, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CPUR, PCS, FCS, ­C-CDIS, CCDS, an independent health information ­management consultant in ­Madison, Wis.

January 1, 2013
HIM Briefings

There's a popular saying that states, "Too much of a good thing can be bad for you." I believe that's never been truer than now when it comes to EMR documentation.

August 1, 2012
Case Management Monthly

Which questions should a case manager ask to ­improve documentation and better reflect the severity of a patient's condition?

July 1, 2012
Case Management Monthly

If you merely review patient charts and compare them to screening criteria, such as InterQual® and Milliman®, you're not doing enough.

February 1, 2012
HIM Briefings

On October 1, 2013, the ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCSclassification systems will take effect, and should result in better data capture nationwide. The change means healthcare organizations urgently need to educate providers on the importance of improved patient care documentation.

December 21, 2011
HIM Briefings

ICD-10 Cerebral Artery Infarction Query

December 21, 2011
HIM Briefings

ICD-10 Myocardial Infarction Query

December 1, 2011
HIM Briefings

Editor's note: There are a number of ways to get information into the hands of your facility's physicians. The following list offers several suggestions on how to train and engage your medical staff. This article was adapted from the October issue of CDI Journal, a quarterly publication for members of the Association of Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists (ACDIS). Additional information is available at www.acdis.org.
