This week's note delves into how to document time on claims for care management services provided in a rural health clinic and compares the new types of care management services for 2018.
This week’s Medicare updates include two new advisory opinions; updates to the Physician Compare, Long-Term Care Hospital Compare, and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Compare websites; a republished version of the OPPS final rule to include a previously omitted section, and more!
This week's note reviews pre-service coverage analysis processes in light of the recent CMS decision to delegate the target, probe, and educate medical review strategy to the Medicare Administrative Contractors.
The 2016 Revenue Integrity Symposium brings together training on Medicare billing and compliance, case management, revenue integrity, coding, CDI, and patient status, and more.
Discover the challenges involved with diagnosing, documenting, and coding anemia, one of the most prevalent conditions affecting individuals worldwide.
Stacey Sexton, RHIA, explains how HIM professionals' roles are evolving and details how they can bridge the gap between clinical care and advanced analytics.