January 1, 2014
HIM Briefings

As we listen to the tick-tock of the clock, and we approach a pivotal year in healthcare that is sure to be full of impactful changes, I’ve put together a top 10 list of tasks to which you can devote that precious work time.

January 1, 2014
HIM Briefings

Many resources are available to aid and reassure HIM professionals as they embark on the journey to create a paperless environment at their organizations. The Healthcare Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Analytics EMR Adoption Model (­EMRAM) is one such resource.

January 1, 2014
HIM Briefings

by Jean S. Clark, RHIA, CSHA

December 1, 2013
HIM Briefings

For many people, the new year brings the promise of a fresh start, which is one of the reasons why we often make New Year's resolutions. These resolutions date back to ancient Babylonian times, when people would make resolutions to gods during the vernal equinox. But for HIM professionals, a New Year's resolution often means establishing and abiding by organizational timelines, training your workforce, and updating technology.

December 1, 2013
HIM Briefings

The top finding in Joint Commission surveys for the first half of 2013 should be no surprise for HIM professionals. For the last three years, RC.01.01.01 has been No. 1 on the top 10 list of most frequently cited standards in Joint Commission surveys. The good news is that RC.01.01.01 is the only standard from the Record of Care, Treatment and Services (RC) chapter to make the list. The bad news is that this standard and some of its EPs will most likely continue to be a challenge.

October 1, 2013
HIM Briefings

So what's it like from the HIM professor's point of view? We catch up with 37-year professor Anita Hazelwood, RHIA, FAHIMA, program director of HIM at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

October 1, 2013
HIM Briefings

This article is based on the results of MRB's quarterly benchmark survey. This month, we chose to survey respondents on EHR implementation and challenges.

October 1, 2013
HIM Briefings

The July 2013 MRB article I wrote discussed the importance of competency and skills testing in the workplace relative to new and evolving roles in the HIM department. In this issue, we discuss "not ­knowing what you don't know." In other words, there is a significant knowledge gap about the importance of EDMS in EHRs.

October 1, 2013
HIM Briefings

Eligible professionals (EP), eligible hospitals, and critical access hospitals (CAH) that cannot demonstrate meaningful use of EHRs could soon face Medicare payment adjustments. But CMS has an important message for providers: There's still time to prove meaningful use and avoid adjustments.

October 1, 2013
HIM Briefings

It's a brave new world out there for business ­associates (BA). BAs needed to comply with the HIPAA Security Rule and the use and disclosure provisions of the Privacy Rule in February 2010 as a result of the ­HITECH Act. However, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) held off on any enforcement activities-that is, until recently.
