September 1, 2010
Case Management Monthly

The several different types of post-acute agencies (home health, nursing homes, hospices) and several individual agencies within those types can cause aggravation and, more importantly, delays.

September 1, 2010
Case Management Monthly

The case management department at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta (CHOA) developed a tool called “Ticket to Home” to prepare patients and their families for discharge.

September 1, 2010
Case Management Monthly

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed modifications to the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules in July. In light of the changes, now might be a good time to make sure you and your colleagues understand those rules. 

September 1, 2010
Case Management Monthly

Hospital executives frequently use LOS to measure how well a case management staff performs, but there are other indicators, such as patient satisfaction and observation use, that prove department effectiveness.

September 1, 2010
Case Management Monthly

A case manager brings a stubborn physician to the hospital’s ethics committee


August 27, 2010
Case Management Monthly

Working with a patient who is leaving against medical advice (LAMA) can be difficult. Although the physician responsible for the patient’s medical care is primarily involved in this situation, discharge planners frequently become involved when the patient has continuing care needs. 

August 1, 2010
Case Management Monthly

Providers give Medicare beneficiaries the advance beneficiary notice (ABN) before they undergo an outpatient procedure that Medicare will likely not cover. 

August 1, 2010
Case Management Monthly

Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) is a federal mandate that protects individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) or mental retardation (MR) from placement in facilities that can’t provide their specialized level of care. The screen also determines whether patients are capable of living independently. 

August 1, 2010
Case Management Monthly

Recruiting, retention, and turnover are challenging in any profession. Case management is no exception. Experienced, competent case managers are especially hard to find, says Wendy De Vreugd, RB, BSN, PHN, FNP, senior director of case management for West Region at Kindred Healthcare, Hospital Division, in Westminster, CA.

August 1, 2010
Case Management Monthly

At Cabell Huntington (WV) Hospital (CHH), case managers are more than just chart reviewers, they are part of the physician team—a shift in perspective that improved the facility’s LOS and, arguably, its patient care.
