CMS releases data for COVID-19 hospitalization payments, patient discharge status

June 30, 2020
News & Insights

CMS released data for novel coronavirus (COVID-19) hospitalizations in the first half of 2020, highlighting total Medicare payment for fee-for-service hospitalizations, discharge statuses, and average length of stay.

The total Medicare payment for fee-for-service COVID-19 hospitalizations was $1.9 billion through May 16, according to CMS.

The report covers Medicare claims and encounter data for services rendered between January 1 and May 16, 2020. In that period, there were 81,227 total fee-for-service COVID-19 hospitalizations, according to CMS. The average Medicare payment per fee-for-service was $23,094. The data reported by CMS also includes a range of payments for fee-for-service COVID-19 hospitalizations. The 95th percentile for payments was $63,721, while the fifth percentile was $5,303.

Additionally, the CMS report provided data for COVID-19 discharges and length of stay.

Here was the breakdown of the discharge status for the 109,607 COVID-19 hospitalizations:

  • Expired (28%)
  • Home (27%)
  • Skilled Nursing Facility (21%)
  • Home health (11%)
  • Hospice (5%)
  • Another healthcare facility (5%)
  • Assisted living/nursing home (2%)
  • Other (1%)

Fifty percent of individuals hospitalized for COVID-19 experienced a length of stay of seven days or fewer. Meanwhile, 34% of individuals experienced a length of stay of eight to15 days (18% between eight and10 days and 16% between 11 and15 days). Finally, 16% of individuals hospitalized for COVID-19 experienced a length of stay of 16 days or longer (7% were hospitalized between 16-20 days, 6% were hospitalized between 21-30 days, and 3% were hospitalized for 31 or more days).

The full breakdown of data can be found on the CMS website.

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Case Management, Medicare news