Q&A: Creating new ways to meet patient needs

June 3, 2020
News & Insights

Q: Hospital case managers must constantly adapt to the conditions created by COVID-19 to best serve their patients. How can they create new ways of meeting patient and family needs during this pandemic?

A: This is imperative, and there are a number of ways case managers can meet patient and family needs at this time.

First, case managers can take the time to coordinate more thoroughly with all interdisciplinary team members. If coordinated properly, multiple tasks can be accomplished at once when a single team member enters the patient's room. For example, a bedside nurse or respiratory therapist can get needed signatures on the Important Message (IM) form while the case manager explains the purpose of the form over the phone. Case managers should make sure there is a pen that stays in the patient's room at all times.

Additionally, any activity that can be performed by phone or by other technology -- such as fielding questions about the IM form -- should be transitioned to that technology as soon as possible.

Editor's note: This topic was orginally addressed in the May issue of Case Management Monthly.