Q&A: Verbal notification for MOON

March 3, 2017
Medicare Web

Q. What verbal notification is needed in addition to providing a completed Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON)?

A. CMS states that an oral explanation of the MOON must accompany the written form. Ideally, officials say, it should be provided at the same time as the written notification.

We are expecting additional guidance from CMS but for now a simple explanation that the patient is in observation, that the notice explains it in detail, and that someone is available to answer questions should suffice.

Upon delivery of the notice, the patient or a person acting on his or her behalf must sign the MOON to acknowledge receipt. “In cases where such individual or person refuses to sign the MOON the staff member of the hospital or CAH providing the notice must sign the notice to certify that notification was presented,” states CMS.

Consider attaching a copy of the Medicare brochure "Are you an Inpatient or Outpatient" or an internally designed form to each MOON.

Editor’s note: This question was answered by Ronald Hirsch, MD, FACP, CHCQM, of R1 Physician Advisory Services in Chicago.

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