Understanding the established resources of accountability for case managers

August 13, 2019
News & Insights

Oversight of the practice of case management is a complex process. A number of moving parts must be factored in, including but not limited to defining the following:

  • Education and degree prerequisites
  • State licensure and certification requirements
  • Case management–specific credentialing and eligibility
  • Professional qualifications

Each element must then be aligned with academic accreditation, regulatory requirements, and industry standards. Professional codes of ethics and standards of practice are subsequently developed through involvement of industry subject matter experts (e.g., longstanding professionals, researchers, educators, credentialing and regulatory specialists) and vetting by professional stakeholders, with scheduled updates to meet industry changes.

These specialized standards, authorities, and resources set a vital tone for the case management workforce, collectively ensuring professional accountability. Amid the fluid nature of the healthcare industry, these “go to” resources for case managers must strive to guide the actions of each role, across every workplace where case management lives. These valued resources also fulfill a vital two-pronged function for the workforce: to protect the public and ultimately every involved healthcare professional.

For more information, see The Essential Guide to Interprofessional Ethics in Healthcare Case Management.

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Case Management