Q&A: Reducing health disparities

July 15, 2020
News & Insights

Q: As case managers, we often deal with patient populations that are afflicted by health disparities. What are some of the best strategies for reducing these disparities?

A: Disparities often pertain to ethnicity, race, income, education, and sexual orientation and may exist due to poor access to care or poor quality of care. Case managers can address disparities by finding answers to some critical questions, says Tawona Hutchinson, RN, BSN, a Baltimore-area case manager. Those questions include:

  • What services are available?
  • How do I access those services for patients in need?
  • Can I accurately identify patients who qualify for those services?

One of the key points is education, according to Hutchinson. Case managers should educate staff about resources available to patients, and they should educate patients on how to correctly access the healthcare system.

“CMs are role models in multidisciplinary rounds and with younger staff members,” says Diane Iverson, RN, BSN, BS, ACM, CCM, a Baltimore-area case manager. “By keeping ourselves informed on trauma-informed care and its application to our patients’ physical and mental health, we can help other staff members see patients through a different lens. That then helps the whole team address that individual’s needs more effectively.”

Editor's Note: This topic was originally addressed in the July issue of Case Management Monthly.