Q&A: Ethical guidance for end-of-life care

September 25, 2019
News & Insights

Q: Where can case managers find ethical guidance on end-of-life issues?

A: Ethics committees are a valuable resource in these situations [...]. The established resources of accountability are another solid place to seek guidance in these situations. State laws and professional regulations are traditionally the primary authority to guide professional practice in most scenarios, especially in end-of-life matters.

Courtesy of the internet, a steady stream of information is available across websites for professionals and populations dealing with the care process and requisite decision-making. The POLST site has an interactive map that provides available programs in each state and assorted requirements. Death with Dignity offers a detailed status on the laws across the states and a real-time media feed with updates. Compassion and Choices offers information for case managers to empower clients and caregivers with their end-of-life journey.

For more information, see The Essential Guide to Interprofessional Ethics in Healthcare Case Management.