CMS releases roadmap to address the opioid epidemic

June 19, 2018
News & Insights

In a continued effort to combat the opioid epidemic, CMS released a roadmap detailing its progress toward addressing the crisis as well as its plans for slowing opioid dependence. CMS noted in a blog post that while the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics indicate the opioid epidemic is not slowing down, efforts aimed at combatting the epidemic must continue. 

CMS’ roadmap outlines a three-pronged approach to addressing the epidemic, which includes the following:

  1. Prevention: Stop overprescribing opioids, diagnose opioid use disorder early on, and promote non-opioid treatment options

  2. Treatment: Promote access to CMS treatment programs, provide patients with a range of treatment options, and support innovation

  3. Data: Recognize opioid use patterns in different populations, promote data sharing, and monitor the impact of prevention and treatment solutions

More than two million people suffer from opioid use disorder, which translates to six out of every 1,000 Medicare beneficiaries and 8.7 out of every 1,000 Medicaid beneficiaries, according to the CMS blog. However, just 20% of people with opioid use disorder seek treatment. Opioids killed more than 42,000 people in 2016, with an estimated 40% of overall opioid deaths related to prescriptions, according to data included in the roadmap.

CMS is looking to increase awareness of opioid use disorder treatment options for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries as well as for private health insurance plans offered through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

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