CMS announces 2019 Call for Measures

June 10, 2019
News & Insights

CMS initiated an Annual Call for Measures in 2019 to allow eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals (CAH) to submit proposals for new measures to be included in the Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program under the IPPS.

Under the Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program, eligible hospitals and CAHs are required to report certain measures with performance-based scoring occurring at the individual measure-level.  Scores for each of the individual measures are added together to calculate a hospital’s Promoting Interoperability Program score of up to 100 possible points.

CMS is interested in adding measures that:

  • Align with the Promoting Interoperability Performance Category for MIPS-eligible clinicians
  • Build on the advanced use of certified electronic health record technology
  • Promote interoperability and health information exchange
  • Focus on patient access to health information
  • Improve program efficiency and flexibility
  • Reduce provider burden

According to CMS, applicants should also consider:

  • Health information technology (IT) activities
  • Measurable outcomes demonstrating greater efficiency in costs that can be linked to the use of health IT
  • Potential new opioid prevention and treatment related measures

Detailed information on the proposal submission process can be found here. Proposals must be submitted by June 28 to be considered for future rulemaking.