CMS recently published FAQs and other resources to help organizations correctly bill for services that are subject to the three-day payment window policy.
CMS' new final rule prepares for vaccine coverage for Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial insurers without any out-of-pocket costs. CMS will pay for any coronavirus vaccine that receives FDA authorization either through an Emergency Use Authorization or via a license under a Biologics License Application.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) December 3 announced the implementation of six new ICD-10-CM codes to identify conditions related to COVID-19.
The 2021 OPPS final rule, released December 2, doesn’t pack many surprises, with CMS generally finalizing most policies as proposed or choosing to continue with current policies. This should aid hospitals required to implement many of its policies in just a few short weeks due to the pandemic-disrupted rulemaking cycle.
CMS announced on November 25 that it is building on the flexibilities granted by the Hospitals Without Walls program to launch the Acute Hospital Care at Home program. Under this program, eligible hospitals will be allowed to treat certain inpatients in the patient’s home.
Modifiers provide a means by which a physician or facility can flag a service that has been altered by a special circumstance but has not changed in definition or code. Break down CPT guidelines for reporting hospital modifiers -25, -50, -59, -LT, and RT.
CMS on November 20 released MLN Matters 12049, which clarifies the effective date and appropriate use of two new National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) condition codes.
CMS finalized the long-awaited Stark Law final rule on November 20. The final rule includes significant changes to exceptions to the law as well as expanded guidance and clarification.