May 1, 2017
HIM Briefings
April 26, 2017
HIM Briefings

James S. Kennedy, MD, CCS, CDIP, CCDS, discusses DSM-5 and ICD-10-CM terminology for drug and alcohol use, abuse, and dependency.

April 26, 2017
HIM Briefings

With the challenges and sometimes-abundant negativity everywhere we look, we can forget the privileges of a certification or degree in HIM. Take a moment to remind yourself of the reasons you're proud to be an HIM professional.

April 12, 2017
HIM Briefings

Data integrity and analytics, increased HIPAA enforcement, patient-generated health data, and information security emerged as the top four topics at the 2017 Health Information and Management Systems Society national conference.

April 26, 2017
HIM Briefings

Effective July 2016, as part of The Joint Commission’s Project REFRESH, the Medical Record Statistics form was retired for hospital accreditation surveys. Is it still important to monitor our medical records for presence, timeliness, legibility (paper or printed), accuracy, authentication, and completeness?

April 19, 2017
HIM Briefings

Payment reform is here to stay. Although reimbursement will continue to evolve over the next several years, it’s unlikely that payers, commercial or government, are going to abandon risk-based models and value-based purchasing and turn the clock back to fee-for-service and volume over value.

April 5, 2017
HIM Briefings

HIM Briefings’ 2017 EHR benchmark survey took a closer look at EHR implementation and use as well as the role of HIM in EHR management, including common challenges and benefits. Respondents shared experiences, discussed the impact of EHRs on data quality and security, and reflected on HIM’s role in ongoing EHR maintenance.

April 1, 2017
HIM Briefings
March 29, 2017
HIM Briefings

How we define, diagnose, and document diagnoses that predict morbidity and mortality is essential if we want our patient’s risk to be accurately portrayed.

March 22, 2017
HIM Briefings

This month's Q&A answers readers' questions about release of information, using whiteboards in patient rooms, and breach response.
