Ochsner Clinic Foundation began its ambulatory clinical documentation excellence journey in 2004, when Medicare implemented its Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCC). Since HCCs affect patients’ Risk Adjustment Factor scores, and ultimately reimbursement for the care required to treat sicker patients, Ochsner needed to determine the best way to ensure annual HCC capture for all patients across its vast system.
There is an extensive list of coverage requirements that must be met to furnish outpatient services to Medicare beneficiaries. Hospitals may find that certain coverage requirements for therapeutic and diagnostic service are more difficult to meet than others, especially in off-campus provider-based departments.
When it comes to dealing with Medicare Recovery Auditors (RACs), there is never a dull moment for HIM professionals. Any shift in the RAC program quickly emerges as front-page news for HIM leaders.
The 2017 calendar year marks the beginning of a new approach to physician payment through the Quality Payment Program (QPP), an initiative created by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act to revise the physician payment system previously updated through the Sustainable Growth Rate.
Data integrity and analytics, increased HIPAA enforcement, patient-generated health data, and information security emerged as the top four topics at the 2017 Health Information and Management Systems Society national conference.
Effective July 2016, as part of The Joint Commission’s Project REFRESH, the Medical Record Statistics form was retired for hospital accreditation surveys. Is it still important to monitor our medical records for presence, timeliness, legibility (paper or printed), accuracy, authentication, and completeness?
Payment reform is here to stay. Although reimbursement will continue to evolve over the next several years, it’s unlikely that payers, commercial or government, are going to abandon risk-based models and value-based purchasing and turn the clock back to fee-for-service and volume over value.
Accurate clinical documentation is the bedrock of the legal medical record, billing, and coding. It is also the most complex and vulnerable part of revenue cycle because independent providers must document according to intricate and sometimes vague rules.
In several recent reports, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) determined that providers are, on average, variant from expected volumes on both short stay inpatient and long stay observation cases. What was not made clear in the OIG report is the reason why it believes such variances exist. The answer to this question likely rests within the details of how hospitals have adjusted (or not adjusted) to the use and application of “new criteria” in their daily and ongoing Medicare billing compliance processes.
Managers should not assume that they can review every guideline, every item in Coding Clinic, or every coding-related issue targeted by the Office of Inspector General or Recovery Auditor.