Q&A: Resolving PTP edits
March 26, 2018
News & Insights
Q. What are some guidelines for resolving procedure-to-procedure (PTP) edits?
A. To resolve PTP edits, there are several questions that should be addressed for each edit:
- Are the correct codes reported based on the documentation? It is imperative that the documentation support each of the services rendered and/or all components of the service rendered and reported with codes. Furthermore, any edits must also be resolved in a manner that is supported by documentation.
- Are the procedures related or connected? Was one service provided in support of the other service? Does the documentation support that the procedures are inclusive or exclusive?
- Does the documentation support the separateness, unrelatedness, and/or uniqueness of each service? For example, does the documentation support separate procedures or separate anatomical sites?
- Is a modifier appropriate and, if so, will the edit process differently (e.g., be bypassed) if a modifier is appended?
For more information, see Medicare Billing Edits: A Guide to Regulation, Research, and Resolution.
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