Survey: Compare your HIM Department to Others

July 27, 2016
News & Insights

Have you ever wondered how other HIM professionals work and how their departments operate? Now you can find out!

HCPro's HIM Briefings is conducting a benchmarking survey on HIM roles and responsibilities, and we would appreciate your input. Please take a few moments to complete this survey. The results will be featured in the October 2016 issue of HIM Briefings and will be sent to respondents so you can see how your department measures up.

Click here to take the survey.

In honor of the 30th anniversary of this newsletter, we will select one respondent at random to win his or her choice of 30% off an HCPro retail product or a complimentary HCPro webcast. To enter to win, please include your contact information at the end of the survey once you have answered the questions.

Thank you for your input!


Jaclyn Fitzgerald
Senior Editor
HCPro, a division of BLR

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