Q&A: Modifiers -PN and -PO

December 13, 2016
Medicare Web

Q: Is modifier -PN used instead of or in addition to modifier –PO for provider-based departments (PBD)? Do we still need to use modifier -PO?

A: Yes, you will still need to use modifier -PO. CMS has not removed that requirement. Modifier -PN is used in addition to modifier -PO, not instead of. You can use a three-step analysis to determine what modifier to use. If the PBD is off-campus, determine if modifier -PO applies. Then, if the PBD is a new department, determine whether modifier -PN applies. You’ll have some departments that will still need modifier -PO because they are off-campus PBDs that are no DEDs or other excepted departments, and there will also be non-excepted PBD that will use modifier -PN.

For more information, see Evolving Reimbursement in On- and Off-Campus Provider-Based Departments.

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