Q&A: Dynamic versus static chargemasters

January 24, 2017
Medicare Web

Q. What is the difference between a dynamic and static chargemaster?

A. As a file in the AR system, the chargemaster can be defined by two main methods that determine how the file is defined and maintained. One method is known as a dynamic chargemaster. A dynamic chargemaster allows different attributes for each item depending on a combination of certain factors. A core, or shell, is defined with the chargemaster number and a few of the fields described in this chapter, then the remaining fields, including price, are determined by a charge router based on location, provider type, and other attributes. This allows the same charge number to be used in multiple areas of the hospital. The GL revenue center can be assigned within the charge router based on patient department or user login.

The second method is known as a static chargemaster. This is a more traditional file. In this case, most of the fields described in this chapter are defined in each charge number record, and often the entire chargemaster can be downloaded into a comma delimited or Microsoft® Excel® file.

For more information, see The Chargemaster Essentials Toolkit.

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