Q&A: Chargemaster reviews by department

April 4, 2017
Medicare Web

Q: How often should a chargemaster coordinator perform reviews with hospital departments?

A: No less often than annually, a chargemaster coordinator should schedule a more in-depth review with revenue departments.

Chargemaster coordinators work with department managers and staff in the maintenance of each department’s chargemaster. Often, the department manager and staff are experienced and knowledgeable regarding their department’s services and their use of the chargemaster. This is highly dependent on the years of experience and interest in the chargemaster compared to the other operational and patient care responsibilities of the department. Nevertheless, the chargemaster coordinator needs to communicate and collaborate with each department manager and their designated staff for chargemaster updates.

Chargemaster changes cannot be made without considering the department’s knowledge and corresponding changes in its charge capture, orders, documentation, or other related/associated activities. Considerations as to why this level of effort is needed include the fact that department managers and staff change, and the newer managers and staff will have varying experience or knowledge of their roles and responsibilities concerning their chargemasters.

Editor’s note: For more information, see The Chargemaster Essentials Toolkit.  

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