Q&A: CEO Support for Revenue Cycle

November 22, 2016
News & Insights

Q. How can hospitals gain the support of the chief executive officer (CEO) for revenue cycle team efforts?

A. Make it easy for the CEO to support the work of the revenue cycle team. Do the legwork to gain cooperation across departmental lines for revenue cycle. Otherwise, the CEO is faced with polling stakeholders for their support, and one resistant department could slow down the entire initiative. Have the work of revenue cycle predefined and get the assembly line in place before seeking formal support. This may be accomplished through a Lean process or other method not requiring CEO involvement.

As the revenue cycle team yields positive results, the better outcomes will speak for themselves to the CEO and C-suite to garner more support and resources. Include measurements of improved reimbursement, patient safety and quality, and regulatory compliance, as these are three top concerns for CEOs

For more information, see The Revenue Integrity Training Toolkit.

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