January 11, 2018
Medicare Web

Q: If a news crew is reporting on an event or a notable individual who is a patient and they have a film crew stationed outside the hospital, are we responsible under HIPAA for stopping them? If ambulances and patients are visible in the background, is that a HIPAA violation? Can we go off of our property to ask them to move or remove their cameras?

January 17, 2018
Medicare Web

CMS announced January 9 the launch of Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced from the agency’s Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. This is the first Advanced Alternative Payment Model introduced by the Trump administration.

January 16, 2018
Medicare Web

Connecting patients with community-based organization often has little impact on the frequency with which a patient is seen in the emergency department or hospitalized, according to a study released January 4 by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute.

January 17, 2018
Medicare Web

How can case managers identify high-risk patients in a population health model? 

January 10, 2018
Medicare Web

The Massachusetts Health Policy Commission announced January 4 that it certified 17 healthcare organizations qualified to be part of the Accountable Care Organization Certification program, which implements payer standards for care delivery across the state. 

January 10, 2018
Medicare Web

Within a population health model, which patient populations should case managers focus on with regard to care transitions?

January 22, 2018
Medicare Web

How would a rural health clinic bill for services it provided beyond its scope?

January 15, 2018
Medicare Web

What are the exceptions to the per visit payment limit for a provider-based rural health clinic?

January 9, 2018
Medicare Web

An Annals of Emergency Medicine study recently concluded that there is a link between referrals to the emergency department by outpatient providers and the seriousness of one’s health problems and likelihood of hospitalization.

January 5, 2018
Medicare Web

Q: I've seen references to CERT reports regarding potential areas of Medicare coding risk. What exactly is CERT? 
