Even with today's tight budgets, there are still ways you can brighten the faces of your staff members. We asked the MRB advisory board members for their best ideas and tried-and-true tactics. Here's what they had to say.
When President Obama signed into law the HITECH Act as part of ARRA in February 2009, it meant a bevy of changes to the existing HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Enforcement Rules.
In what instances would a dual system be necessary? What impact, if any, will ICD-10-CM/PCS have on transcription? What about form redesign? Find out the answers to your colleagues' ICD-10 implementation questions.
Establishing coder productivity standards can be challenging if you don't know where to begin. There are many factors affecting productivity levels, from record type to the tools coders have available to them.
However, establishing fair standards for your coders is important, as is knowing whether your department is running efficiently.
HCPro conducted a detailed benchmarking survey earlier this year of HIM directors and managers nationwide to bring you the latest information on coder productivity levels and standards so you can compare your department to its peers.
When Nancy Herr, RN, BSN, CCM, manager of utilization review at Liberty (MO) Hospital, started seeing an uptick in RAC audits late in 2010, she knew she needed a way to track activity and share it with others in her facility.
Managing the changeover to ICD-10 may be so completely overwhelming for some HIM directors and managers that just getting started is the most difficult part.
Legible.Complete.Dated, timed, signed, and authenticated.That's what section 482.24 of the Medicare Conditions of Participation requires of your medical records.
If you are gearing up for a computerized provider order entry (CPOE) implementation, there are some tips and tricks that will help you stay on top of the transition.