May 23, 2018
HIM Briefings

HIM Briefings answers readers' questions on ride-hailing services, sharing patient files, and business associate agreements.

May 16, 2018
HIM Briefings

Creating and using performance standards benefits HIM directors and the many functions they oversee. But with such a wide range of tasks falling under the HIM umbrella, it can be challenging to set practical standards that yield meaningful results. Follow these tips to get the most of out of your department’s standards.

May 10, 2018
HIM Briefings

Success under MACRA relies on the capture and maintenance of trustworthy clinical and financial patient data sets. HIM professionals understand root cause analysis, the mechanism of reporting data, and the importance of data consistency and integrity.

May 1, 2018
HIM Briefings
May 2, 2018
HIM Briefings

Correct, complete documentation is the foundation of a sound medical record and compliant reimbursement, but getting that foundation in place can be challenging. Clinicians are juggling critical tasks in a high-stress situation, and administrative burden of electronic documentation and the disconnect that results from spending more time looking at a screen than a patient are often cited as the primary factors in physician burnout. Enter the medical scribe.

April 25, 2018
HIM Briefings

Medicare billing edits such as National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits and Medically Unlikely Edits (MUE) must be resolved at their root cause so that they do not continue to occur on claim

April 18, 2018
HIM Briefings

Brush up on the Joint Commission's data management session topics before surveyors visit your hospitals. Follow these tips to ensure a successful survey.

April 25, 2018
HIM Briefings

Creating and maintaining an ethical work culture is everyone's responsibility. Always set an example of respect, honesty, and fairness for your family, friends, and colleagues.

April 11, 2018
HIM Briefings

Amidst the hospital-of-the-future buzz at HIMSS18 was keen interest in resources aimed at helping providers navigate the present-day transition to value-based care. Many healthcare executive and clinician attendees were eager to identify ways healthcare technology can help their organizations transition from fee-for-service to pay-for-performance reimbursement models.

April 1, 2018
HIM Briefings
