Proper use of suspense, or hold, periods can ensure claims are complete and accurate before they go out the door. But without careful monitoring and limits, these periods can create more problems than they solve. Take a look at the hows and whys of suspense periods to ensure your organization is using them appropriately.
Hospitals are applying high reliability traits to drive improvement in new departments. Learn how to apply these methods to leverage CDI as a quality improvement function.
Effective management of claim edits and denials is a cornerstone of a sound revenue cycle. See how your organization compares to others and what you can do to improve.
Medical decision-making is one of the key components of E/M code selection. Review the guidelines to ensure correct coding and to improve internal audits.
The expansion of telehealth services and the flexibilities introduced through the Hospitals Without Walls waivers are a critical part of hospitals’ COVID-19 response, but the rules and how they interact with each other are often complex. Take a closer look at CMS’ guidelines and how they should be implemented.
The mid-revenue cycle is rife with possibilities to lose earned, appropriate revenue. Learn how to identify common weaknesses and deploy coding, CDI, and technology to address them.