September 1, 2016
Briefings on APCs

CMS released the 2017 OPPS proposed rule on July 5 without much fanfare. On July 14, the Federal Register version was posted, and upon initial review, it seems rather short at 186 pages. 

September 1, 2016
Briefings on APCs

CMS’ proposed changes to implement Section 603 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 would reshape payments for off-campus, provider-based departments (PBD) if finalized and represent the most significant changes in the calendar year (CY) 2017 OPPS proposed rule. 

September 1, 2016
Briefings on APCs

 CMS proposes aligning its conditional packaging logic with how it applies packaging to labs, while also proposing to delete the much-maligned modifier -L1 for separately payable laboratory tests in 2017.

September 1, 2016
Briefings on APCs

While the 2017 OPPS proposed rule includes a variety of tweaks and augmentations to existing regulations, its biggest impact is likely to come from its proposal to implement Section 603 provisions of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 regarding off-campus, provider-based departments (PBD) and move toward more site-neutral payment policies.

September 1, 2016
News & Insights

More than 400 medical records are unaccounted for at an Atlanta Iron Mountain storage facility.

September 1, 2016
HIM Briefings

When I look back on 30 years of involvement with HIM, it's hard to believe that I was also passionate about another profession at one time. But I actually came to my career as a coder by way of my associate's degree in veterinary science.

September 1, 2016
HIM Briefings

The accurate capture of acute respiratory failure has been a long-standing challenge for CDI programs. The accurate reporting of this condition as a post-procedural event can be even more difficult.

August 29, 2016
News & Insights

A Virginia dermatology clinic notified 13,237 patients this month of a breach of protected health information (PHI) in the wake of a ransomware attack.

August 26, 2016
News & Insights

CMS’ wireless network has significant vulnerabilities that could compromise the integrity of the agency's data, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) said in a recent report.

August 26, 2016
News & Insights

CMS did not have a choice about implementing site-neutral payment policies after Congress passed Section 603 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, but providers hope the agency will reconsider some of the provisions to operationalize the policy introduced in the 2017 OPPS proposed rule.
