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2016 HIM roles and responsibilities survey: Survey respondents weigh in on roles and responsibilities

For approximately 10 years, HIMB has been gathering data about the HIM profession through its annual salary survey. This survey often gives us a glimpse into the responsibilities of HIM professionals, but focuses primarily on the education, experience, and salary of those in the HIM field.

Time and again, the salary survey reveals that HIM directors and managers are wearing many hats and asked to oversee an increasing number of tasks. In an effort to dig a bit deeper into HIM departments, HIMB conducted its first HIM roles and responsibilities survey.

More than half of respondents were HIM directors (26%) or managers (25%), whereas the remaining 49% held other revenue cycle positions. Of the latter group, 50% were coders and 29% were CDI specialists. Responses also came in from transcriptionists, privacy officers, compliance officers, revenue integrity professionals, and consultants.

HIM demographics

The plurality of respondents work in acute care hospitals (55%) and critical access hospitals (17%) or have a corporate position at a multi-system hospital (8%). Other settings represented in the survey include long-term acute care hospitals, psychiatric/behavioral health hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, and physician practices.

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